All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. --Havelock Ellis

Monday, June 27, 2011

Jinja: "The floor keeps moving. That's probably a bad sign... that I'M ON A BOAT!"

I haven't slept in 72 hours, because I flew from Amsterdam to Dubai to Entebbe (two different airlines) in the last three day. I'm finally in Jinja, Uganda, which is good news. The bad news is that my bag is not with me in Jinja, because the damn airlines lost it. (I ended up flying KLM and Emirates airlines). I do not wish this long of a trip on anyone when you can't sleep in a bed or shower during the entirety of it, which was my life for the past three/four days. The floor keeps feeling wobbly to me because I'm so tired and my body doesn't have any sense of time at this point.

But I'm here, and my orientation for my internship at St. Eliza's under the Foundation for Sustainable Development starts tomorrow morning. I do that for two days and then I go live in my homestay starting Thursday. I'm hoping that this country will be less scary to me as an outsider once I've been here for a week or two. In any case, we need to start figuring out what our organization needs and what it already has so we can get this party started.

I've already done some successful greetings since I've been here. "Okoba kyi" is the easiest, since all you have to respond with is "Wazira", then they say "Gyebale" and you finish it with "Kale, wena gyebale". So there's progress there. Hopefully tomorrow I will get more practice, but now it's bedtime. Good night everybody!