All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. --Havelock Ellis

Friday, June 24, 2011

Still Predeparture: Good job breaking your own plane, KLM.

I was on the plane to go to Amsterdam so that I could then go to Entebbe, Uganda. But then the employees of KLM airlines broke the rear cargo door of the plane, so we couldn't fly it and the flight was delayed for 24 hours. I am currently stealing internet from the Hilton O'Hare where we (the other bros going to Uganda with me) are trying to get rooms with vouchers from the airport. I don't currently have a place to sleep, but at least we got meal vouchers, so I can get free food for the next day. I'm supposed to be leaving tomorrow at 6:00 pm for Amsterdam, where I may have a significant layover. So I have no idea when I'm getting to Entebbe.

Oh one is at the ticket counter in the airport. "Oh, let's go home, it doesn't matter that these college kids have no place to sleep." FUCK!


  1. Not so good! I hope you found a place to sleep!

  2. Wow, way for the airline to fail. I hope you get there safely!
